the commands contain relative movements
there's no units or you could say the units are motor steps
only XY are taken in considerations
to move the pen by ( 12,23 ) steps the command is
G0 X12 Y23 Z0
//the basic hardware control was inspired HC_CNC_Shield_Test by Andrew Davies #define EN 8 #define X_STEP 2 #define X_DIR 5 #define Y_STEP 3 #define Y_DIR 6 #define Z_STEP 4 #define Z_DIR 7 #define A_DIR 13 /* Direction pin for Aux driver. Requires D13 and A-DIR pins to be shorted */ #define A_STEP 12 /* Direction pin for Aux driver. Requires D12 and A-STEP pins to be shorted */ #define X_ENDSTOP 9 /* X axis endstop input pin */ #define Y_ENDSTOP 10 /* Y axis endstop input pin */ #define Z_ENDSTOP 11 /* Z axis endstop input pin */ #define ABORT A0 /* Abort input pin */ #define HOLD A1 /* Hold input pin */ #define RESUME A2 /* Resume input pin */ #define COMMAND_SIZE 128 char command[COMMAND_SIZE]; byte serial_count = 0; boolean bytes_received = false; void setup() { /* Configure the steper drive pins as outputs */ pinMode(EN, OUTPUT); pinMode(X_DIR, OUTPUT); pinMode(X_STEP, OUTPUT); pinMode(Y_DIR, OUTPUT); pinMode(Y_STEP, OUTPUT); pinMode(Z_DIR, OUTPUT); pinMode(Z_STEP, OUTPUT); pinMode(A_DIR, OUTPUT); pinMode(A_STEP, OUTPUT); /* Configure the control pins as inputs with pullups */ pinMode(X_ENDSTOP, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(Y_ENDSTOP, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(Z_ENDSTOP, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(ABORT, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(HOLD, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(RESUME, INPUT_PULLUP); /* Enable the X, Y, Z & Aux stepper outputs */ digitalWrite(EN, HIGH); //Low to enable Serial.begin(9600); } void loop() { char c; if( Serial.available() > 0 ) { c =; if( c != '\n' ) { command[serial_count] = c; serial_count++; } else { command[serial_count] = 0; serial_count++; } bytes_received = true; } if( bytes_received && ( c == '\n' ) ) { doit( command ); serial_count = 0; bytes_received = false; } } void doit( char *input ) { char* command = strtok( input, " \n" ); int G_val = -1; long X_val = 0; long Y_val = 0; long Z_val = 0; while( command != 0 ) { switch( command[0] ) { case 'G': G_val = atoi( command + 1 ); break; case 'X': X_val = atol( command + 1 ); break; case 'Y': Y_val = atol( command + 1 ); break; case 'Z': Z_val = atol( command + 1 ); break; } command = strtok(0, " \n" ); } char mesg[32]; sprintf( mesg, "%d %ld %ld %ld", G_val, X_val, Y_val, Z_val ); Serial.println( mesg ); digitalWrite(EN, LOW); //Low to enable motorizin( G_val, X_val, Y_val, Z_val ); digitalWrite(EN, HIGH); //Low to enable } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void motorizin( int G_val, long X_val, long Y_val, long Z_val ) { switch( G_val ) { case 0: case 1: line( X_val, Y_val, Z_val ); break; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //first version of this program - only relative moves supported //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void line( long dx, long dy, long dz ) { digitalWrite( X_DIR, dx >= 0?LOW:HIGH ); digitalWrite( Y_DIR, dy >= 0?LOW:HIGH ); long adx = abs( dx ); long ady = abs( dy ); if( adx >= ady ) { subplot( 0, adx, ady ); } else { subplot( 1, ady, adx ); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void subplot( bool horizVert, long dx, long dy ) { long D = 2 * dy - dx; bool stepy = false; for( long x = 1; x <= dx; x++ ) { if( D > 0 ) { stepy = true; D = D - dx; } D = D + dy; if( horizVert == 0 ) { subsubplot( true, stepy ); } else { subsubplot( stepy, true ); } stepy = false; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void subsubplot( long stepx, long stepy ) { if( stepx > 0 ) { digitalWrite( X_STEP, HIGH ); } if( stepy > 0 ) { digitalWrite( Y_STEP, HIGH ); } delay( 10 ); digitalWrite( X_STEP, LOW ); digitalWrite( Y_STEP, LOW ); }
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